Melissa Monroe

Data Engineer


Experienced Data Engineer with several years of demonstrated history working in library and local government industries. Skilled in Data Analysis, Front-End Development, Project Management, Visual Studio, Git, Microsoft Office applications including Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Access. Graduated from Western Washington University. Proven record as a strong developer with a passion for data and continuous improvement.

Data Engineer

Intrigued by the process of uncovering meaningful insights by analyzing data and translating this data into actionable and useful information. Collaborated with business teams in application redesign project and led design implementation project. Effective interpreter and presenter of data that is easily understandable for stakeholders that have different priorities and perspectives in order to facilitate better decision making.

  • Website:
  • Phone: +1 (360) 383-6794
  • City: San Diego, CA, USA

Interests and hobbies include ice hockey, watercolor painting, chess and surfing.


Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio, VS Code, AWS, Azure, GitHub, GitBash, D3, Tableau, Excel, Word, Access, Visio, Figma, Crystal Reports, Pandas, Photoshop, Illustrator, Matplotlib
Databases: SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, MongoDB
Languages/Markup: C#, Python, SQL, Javascript, Json, Xamarin, XAML, CSS, HTML, Visual Basic/VBA



Melissa Monroe

Primarily a software engineer but also work in the capacity of software support engineer, project manager and front-end developer, on an as-needed basis. I been at Infovision Software for over fourteen years and at Infovision, I have worked in various ongoing roles.


Data Science and Visualization Certificate

2020 - 2021

UCSD Extension San Diego, California

A 24-week intensive program focused on gaining technical programming skills in Excel, VBA, Python, R, JavaScript, SQL Databases, Tableau, Big Data, and Machine Learning.

Bachelors of Science in Manufacturing Managment

2001 - 2006

Western Washingon University, Bellingham, Washington

Minor in Spanish and French

Professional Experience

Software Engineer

2006 - Present

Infovision Software, Inc. San Diego, California

Build and implement software solutions for libraries (public, school, special libraries) and local and county government planning departments.

  • Using Microsoft SQL Server, Azure cloud services and Visual Studio, developed and implemented functionality to improve the library reserve process based on user development requests. Added preference in configuration that allows reservation at copy level or catalog level in order to solve the problem with reserve queue (the order the library patrons get the holding).
  • Built console application in C# that monitors incoming support emails and auto-generates support cases in case management system (Language: C#, Database: Microsoft SQL Server database). Increased case tracking by 84% from the first year case management system was implemented.

Front-End Developer

Responsible for design implementation in addition to troubleshooting style and display issues.

  • Lead application design implementation for ASP.NET enterprise web application. Implemented front end design into web-based Evolve EDMS, Evolve ILS and Evolve Planning enterprise software solutions.

Project Manager

Onsite and remote project manager for software implementations for library and planning web applications. Data conversion, application configuration, business analyst, training, and project closure. Fully responsible for client satisfaction throughout the implementation process.

  • Implemented Eau Claire Wisconsin Code Enforcement Project. Analyzed business process, built out system requirements, added configuration and based on user feedback.

Software Support Engineer

Responsible for communication with customers, documentation, prioritization and resolution.

  • Technical account manager for customer base of over 120 libraries, cities and counties using our software solutions. Technical and customer support to end-users and IT professionals.
  • Increased case close rate by 6%. Completed 4149 cases and 8243 case actions since current case management tracking was implemented in May 2015.


Collection of projects

City of San Diego Get it Done Dashboard Project
Data Journalism and D3
Tableau Citi Bike
Earthquake Visualization
Who plays chess on
Weather Visualization Dashboard



San Diego, California


+1 (360) 383-6794